Flat lay of two powerful shawl brands |
Hello dear all,
I thought I wanted to post a travel entry or a wrap monthly story but all the pictures are not ready yet. I also don't have a mood to choose and do some editing in term of watermark etc.
So, I've decided to post this one since we are still in Hari Raya mood. hihihi. I've posted this kind of entry last year >>> click here to read more. And, I've decided to do this second version of the most favourable shawl brands again this year because I just being crazy towards these two shawl brands for Eidul Fitri collection 2017.
Le's see what are the brands that make me fall in love:
My flat lay for Pink Alhambra Duck |
Nothing much I can say about this brand. I guess the most powerful brand in term of shawl brand. The hype and craziness that DUCK gives towards all women in the world whenever they release their collection are really beyond expectation.
DUCK always come out with a creative teaser and great marketing to create the awareness of what are their collection will be next. They are such a creative brand. That's why people said, marketing is a powerful tool in business. =)
This year, for Eidul Fitri 2017, DUCK come out with their Limited Edition shawl and scarf inspired from Alhambra. Alhambra is a Palace situated in Granada, Spain. When they made a teaser or quiz for their customer to make a guess about their next collection, I keep on thinking, " How can they be so creative?. Alhambra? What?. " For me, it is such a great idea until there is a DUCK competitor who keeps on copying their idea. But, nature in business, there must be a competitor, right?
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7 colours for Alhambra DUCK |
At first, I decided not to buy DUCK shawl anymore. But, sorry to my money as well as to my hubby money. Hahaha. I just can't stop myself not to buy it. The shawl is so beautiful but truthfully I do attract more to the colours of the shawl and the background design. For me, the calligraphy on the shawl makes the shawl a little bit looks weird but as D said, it is for Eidul Fitri. So, the calligraphy written is "Eid Mubarak". Thankfully, when I try to style the shawl, I can hide the calligraphy. Hahaha.
So, yeah I own two colours of Alhambra DUCK for Eidul Fitri: Gold and pink. Oh, by the way, the Alhambra DUCK cost for RM300 per shawl. #byebyemoney #ripmymoney hahaha. But, this year if you want to own the Alhambra DUCK sampul duit raya you have to bought two shawls in a single receipt. Click here to know the design of Alhambra sampul duit raya.
My flat lay for Gold Alhambra Duck |
Then, DUCK makes a surprise by releasing the square scarf of Alhambra and Instant shawl of Alhambra as well. Pheww~ glad they have done that so all of their customers really can own at least one Alhambra duckscarves in three different styles.
Oh, if you still want to buy it. You can visit FashionValet website. If you are lucky there maybe have stock available for Alhambra DUCK. =)
From left: Vanilla Latte, Parfait and Rose Souffle |
For Tudung People, I really love their Limited Edition collection as well. For Eidul Fitri this two years in a row, they really release the beautiful shawl ever!!!
I don't know if you thought the same like me. But, seriously I love flowers and really love if the flower been using on clothes or shawls been drawn is alive. I can be crazy just by looking towards it. hahaha.
Flay lay for three Bohemian series of TP shawls |
So, for this Eidul Fitri, Tudung People come out with "BOHEMIAN SERIES AND SIMPOR SERIES".
I really fall in love like crazy towards Bohemian Series and it makes me bought two shawls and one square scarf. hahaha. Actually I want to bought all of it. But, I can't spent my money for shawl anymore because I've bought two Duckscarves already. Two shawls for me ( Parfait and Vanilla Latte colours ) and the one square scarf ( Rose Souffle colours ) as a gift for my Mum.
Oh, the cost for each shawl or scarf is RM 176. Each purchase you will get a beautiful sampul duit raya >> click here to know more about the Tudung People sampul duit raya.
For Tudung People Limited Edition shawls and square scarf already sold out. I don't know if they will be restocking it. You just have to on the notification on Instagram to get the latest news of Tudung People.
Oh, by the way, they are having a TPFlatlay and TPootd contest. The contest ends on 25th July 2017. The prize for the winner of this contest is iPhone 7 !!!.
So, there are the two favourable and beautiful shawl brands for 2017 in my list.
Good luck for these two brands. Keep it up by releasing more beautiful and creative design in future.
Don't forget just be yourself and keep on styling everyone.
Have a pleasant day.
Thank you for reading.
Tak ada pun any collection dua2 brand ni tak mampu lagi tsktsk
ReplyDeleteInsyaallah satu hari Syira pasti boleh beli tapi tapi jgn jadi mcm Nadia dan siqah . Mula-mula kitaorg mmg tak minat sebab rasa membazir beli tudung mahal2 nie tapiiii skali dah try beli seriously terjebak trus sampai lah .
DeleteSebenanrnya mmg rasa membazir pun ada tapi ntah lah kenapa tak leh tahan nafsu dari membeli hihi =)
Satu geng #duckie dgn siqah ye nad. Semua shawl tu cantik sgt. Sesuai dengan harga dia. Bye bye money :)
ReplyDeleteNadia dan Siqah nie bukan satu geng psl duckscarves je Ana. Satu kepala dlm byk hal. Hihi... mmg cantik Ana then duit pun terbang dengan cantik nyaaa sambil air mata jatuh tapiiii nafsu ckp nak beli gak . Hahhaha
DeleteHehehe. #ripmymoney 😅😅
ReplyDeleteSiqah suka dUCk dan TP jugak. Sedih masih tak dapat TP Vanila Latte. Siap buat notification dah TP IG. Punya beriya nak tahu bila dorang nak release lagi stock. Hehe.
We have the same dUCk colors!! Tapi siqah rasa macam nak jual bawal nude tue. Susah eh nak pakai. Lembik sangat 😥 Plan nak beli yang shawl or instant.
Plan juga nak buat entri gini tapi tak buat2 sebab malas nak ambil flatlay. Orang tak kreatif ginilah. Lambat macam siput. Hehe.
Kannnn #ripmymoney hahaha...kannn kita mmg byk benda interest sama yank. <3
DeleteNadia pulak nak beli creme bule ... harapnya TP restock lah sebab cantik sgt lah shawl nya.
Oh lembut sgt ek square alhambra... awak jual lah square beli shawl or awak try lah cari sesapa yang nak swap shawl tue dgn square . Confirm mesti lah ada punya org nak. Duck kan. Hihi
Haaa~ flatlay tue semua nadia snap awal2 masa nak buat entry sampul raya tue. Bila mood rajin dtg buat lah skali harung then simpan. If mood mls mmg saya pun amik je pape ikut yg mana dan.
Sebenarnya nak buat entry travel tapi adoi kena edit letak watermark satu persatu tue mls tue. Amik yg mama ada gmbr dah siap tue post entry nie. Hihi =)
i'll never buy such expensive thing for sure but damn it is so beautiful. i love flower prints and the issue was I don't have much thing to match it with. i;m not really a blouse kinda girl and my baju kurung was mostly flower printed because well, i love flower printsss.
ReplyDeletei agree with your view about DUCk. their marketing strategy was so good. i adore FV team so much.
Yeay!!!! Kita sama suka flower. Lagi suka kalau bunga tue mcm bunga hidup kan.
DeleteNadia pun mula-mula berkira jugak nak beli duck tue . Tapi skali dah beli adoi terjebak .
And i love flowers so tak leh tahan shawl tudung people tue .
I'm not into fashion much but I have to admit that those duck scarves are pretty 😍
ReplyDeleteHihi... kannn~ bagi Nadia unik idea Duck scarves tue . Design alhambra tue cantik =)
Deletethe shawl is so beautiful tapi eka tak pernah pakai or beli lagi. InsyaAllah one day. Hehe. kat Sabah tak banyak brand ni dijual so susah skit nak cari, motsly yg terkenal pun Adijuma. :D
ReplyDeleteTapi rasanya boleh beli online dear . Dorang shipping je ke Sabah. =)
DeleteInsyaallah one day Eyqa boleh je pakai both brand nie. =) tapiiii takot je if eyqa dah skali beli duck tue nnt terjebak lagi mcm nadia and siqah tak tahu nak berhenti bila hihi
semua nampak.cantik ni nad..heehe
ReplyDelete.i.lobe vivy too.but never try her duck..entahlah irda ni syg duit kot@kedekut.hahaha..entahlah tp nanti vivy buat promo baru beli kot...huhu
Nadia pun sayang duit gak tapi bila nafsu menguasai segalanya tue yg adoi beli gak . Hahaha . Kedekut tak pe jgn membazir mcm saya nie susah gak hihi .
DeletePromo tgh ada nie dear. Fashion valet tgh ada sale one day end this midnight
cantik giler lah dua2 brand ni. lagi2 duck tu. selalu je ushar, tapi nak beli tu yangg fikir panjang. hehe. maybe sesekali boleh lah kan utk reward diri ke kan ;D
ReplyDeleteHihi betul tue. Mmg skali skala tak pe beli utk reward diri sendiri tapiii mcm Nadia skali beli duck tak tahu whyyyy keep on nak beli lagi mostly their Limited edition . Adoi now tak tahu nak stop mcm mana sebab " I've been ducked!!! " hahaha #membazirpunada
DeleteSemua lawa lawa omg T.T bye bye duit lol
ReplyDeleteLenne Zulkiflly Blog
Sebab lawa sgt lah dear ... habis duit Nadia hahhaha
DeleteHi.. Nadiah.. Here I come to visit you back. ^^..
ReplyDeleteAt first tengok gambar tudung tu, wah.. cantik. Rasa nak beli satu yang sesuai dengan baju plain emerald green yang baru beli. Bertanya2 dalam hati, bisa tak beli online tudung nie. Tapi sampai part harga RM300 tu rasa lemah lunglai terus rasa tak berdaya.
Cuba convert ke Rupiah, whaaattttt?? kurang lebih Satu Juta Rupiah??? Mak ai, tu boleh buat bersara hidup sebulan. hahaha..
Terus berdoa, semoga suatu hari nanti bisa beli lah tudung harga macam nie..
Semoga Allah senantiasa melimpahkan rezeki pada kita semua ya.. ^^
Hi Jasmi. <3
DeleteOh dear, they can shipping to indonesia if i'm not mistaken . =)
Kannnn~ mula2 rasa mcm membazir jugak sebab harganya tapi cannot tahan sebab cantik sgt dear <3
Insyaallah . Amin. Semoga kita semua dimurahkan rezeki .
wow rm300 per shawl. but if its worth it, why not kan? mmg cantik pun!
ReplyDeleteAah Ee... rm300 tgk harga menangis tapiiii sebab cantik sgt cannot tahan. #byebyemoney
DeleteThey are so pretty. Too bad I cannot afford to buy even one since it is a bit pricey 😣
ReplyDeleteYes memang a bit pricey that's y masa Nadia beli tue tutup mata je. hihihi . #janganmembazirmacamnadiatau =)